Our Little Cooper – 10 Months Old

I can’t believe how fast ten months have come and gone. I mean, I know I sound like a broken record, and probably will be for the rest of my life. But seriously. Cooper, my little baby, is almost a year old!! He’s starting to be a little fireball. He...

Our Little Cooper – 9 Months Old

Our little boy is NINE months old! I seriously can’t even believe that it’s been 9 months. People tell you time flies when you start having kids and you just say yeah, I know. BUT IT DOES. He has become quite the little personality lately. Very...

Our Little Cooper – 8 months old

How can he be 8 months old… I always start off these posts with a tear in my eye because he’s growing up so fast and I don’t realize it until I sit down to read my previous one and write a new one. So much has happened in the last month it’s...

Our Little Cooper – 7 Months Old

7 months – I feel like at this point he will be a year old before I know it. He all of a sudden seems like a little boy to us now! He’s no longer this fragile little baby (yes he is) and he’s becoming so much fun. He’s entertaining himself,...

Our Little Cooper – 6 months old

This one hurts more than the others…. HALF A YEAR old. ALREADY. How?! I thought time went by fast before I had Cooper – but it goes by so much faster now that I’m watching him grow. He literally grows overnight, and every day is doing new things....
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