This one hurts more than the others…. HALF A YEAR old. ALREADY. How?! I thought time went by fast before I had Cooper – but it goes by so much faster now that I’m watching him grow. He literally grows overnight, and every day is doing new things. It’s so much fun to watch, but oh how I miss those newborn cuddles! He’s starting to mimic sounds, especially spitting at his GG! He is infatuated with the cats. Just stares at them and talks to them. Tries to grab them. He’s playing with his toys like a pro, transferring them from hand to hand, finding his paci and putting it in his mouth. He’s mastered scooting around on his tummy. He does complete circles and can navigate where he wants to go, except forward. He has figured out that he can get on his knees and his hands at the same time, and is starting to rock back and forth a little bit. He will be crawling before we know it!! Funny, because I used to always say I felt like he would skip crawling all together and go straight to standing/pulling up. But he only does that when we are holding his hands. He jumps CONSTANTLY. When you’re holding him, when he’s in his play seats, and when he’s lying down his legs are still going. He had his doctor appointment this week and he has finally jumped on the charts! 17% in weight and 43% in height! Go Cooper! 😀  Doc was really impressed with how well he sits up and everything he is doing. He is currently eating a 2.5oz jar of fruits in the morning and a 2.5oz jar of veggies in the evening, along with 6 total bottles of 5.5oz each. I tried to condense the amount of ounces a day into 5 bottles and stretch them out, because the last two are getting closer and closer together, but it messed up his whole routine, he started waking up at 3 and 4am and wouldn’t go back to sleep for an hour. That lasted about a week, and I went back to his regular schedule and all is pretty much back to normal now. In the middle of all that I also transitioned him from his rock-n-play to the pack-n-play, which didn’t go so well the first night, but after that he has been great. He loves being able to move around. He sleeps on his side and tummy. And he props his knees up sticking his butt in the air. (I used to do that when I was little too, haha). I then moved him to his crib in his own room (tear) Sunday night, 2 days before he turned 6 months. It was getting so hard to not wake him up when we would go to bed, and he knew I was in there when he would wake up, it was just time. I would have done it a lot sooner if his room wasn’t upstairs and so far away. But I’ve adjusted. We spend a lot of time up there now! I say he sleeps through the night (8ish to 5:30ish) but he usually wakes up a couple times and I have to rub his head and put his paci in, and occasionally rock him back to sleep. (I’ve created a habit I’m afraid). He goes right back to sleep after his 5/6am bottle and gets up around 8ish. So when he sticks to that schedule it’s not TOO bad, if I could learn to go to bed earlier. I just wish he would sleep continuously all night. haha! We go to the beach next week for the first time! Both of our parents are going to be there, so it should be fun! I’m not much a beach person, I’m more of a pool person at the beach. But I’ve got the baby powder (for the sand) and a tent and everything else ready to go, including my one-piece (cue eyeroll emoji).

Likes: Jumping in jumperoo, kicking legs, his wubbanub, going for walks outside in the stroller, when Mommy sings to him, when Daddy tickles him, Mickey Mouse, his Baby Einstein activity center, anything that crinkles, the cats, bananas, apples, pears, sweet potatoes,

Dislikes: He doesn’t like to be still, sitting at a restaurant is hard for him, having his face wiped off, being left alone

THINGS HE CAN DO: Scoot in complete circles and side to side on tummy, reaching and grabbing for objects he wants, hold his own bottle, sit up completely on his own.

SIZE: He is still in size 3 diapers, and is now in 6 months and some 6-9 month clothes. I packed up all of his 3-6 month clothes. And some of his 6 month stuff I bought last month is already getting tighter! I have a feeling he’s about to just start growing like a weed.



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