I cannot believe it’s already been ONE MONTH. I have a 1 month old! I’m not sure how I feel about that. The first week I was an emotional wreck and every time someone mentioned him growing up I would just cry and cry… I didn’t want him to get big, I wanted him to stay little forever! (I mean not really, but you know what I mean…) And I still feel like he’s a tiny little newborn, but when I look back on photos I realize he HAS already grown and I haven’t even realized it. I’m assuming it will only get worse from here on out. :-/

The past month has flown by, and felt like forever all at the same time. It seems like it has been longer than just 4 weeks sometimes. There’s days when I feel like a complete zombie because little stinker won’t sleep at night. And I’m still working so it is frustrating how little I can get done at one time now, whereas before I could sit down and get everything done at once. I try to get most everything done while he’s napping in between feedings, but half the time he wants to be held, and won’t stay in wrap, or bouncer. Just a completely different lifestyle! Bubba is back at work full time now as of this week, so that’s been difficult. Not so much during the day, but not being able to count on him at night has been frustrating. I can’t get any sleep. But I know it will get better! The whole breastfeeding thing is so much more than I imagined it would be. I haven’t had any problems at all, but it’s just time consuming and exhausting. And I’ve just started pumping this week so that we can go out to dinner every now and then and start building up a stash, and that is the most overwhelming thing ever. When to pump, which boob to pump, how often, how to store it, etc. etc. etc…. ugh.




Likes: Cooper loves to be held and rocked – especially in the middle of the night (insert eye-rolling emoji). He loves eating! He loves his baths now that he can sit in the water.

Dislikes: He hates to be naked and have his diaper changed – most of the time. Sometimes he’s completely fine. He hates wet diapers more than the other. He doesn’t like to have his eyes messed with (he has blocked tear ducts)

THINGS HE CAN DO: He is using his hands to try and grab things, and pushing up on his feet when you hold him. He moves his head all around. He’s a strong little booger! He started to smile every so often back at you.

SIZE: He’s still wearing NB clothes and diapers. Some of them are getting a tad bit tighter – but for the most part they are all still big!

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