So it seems I’ve been a little preoccupied and missed his 2 month post :-/…. I do what I can.  So much has changed! Cooper is changing every day, doing new things, it’s so much fun watching him, even though it makes me sad that he’s not a tiny little newborn anymore. People aren’t lying when they tell you it doesn’t last long. I didn’t even realize it was gone until one day you just realize, wow, he’s so much bigger! It’s getting harder and harder to get my work done because he demands so much attention. He wants to be held and walked around all the time. He loves watching TV, so we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse a lot. He’s not enjoying tummy time too much or playing on his mat. It only lasts for like 2 minutes. But he’s gotten so strong! He can hold himself up while on his tummy, move his head all around, and still rolls to his back when he’s over tummy time. I brought out the Jumperoo for him a few weeks ago, and his toes BARELY touched the ground. He’s now touching the ground but doesn’t really know what to do in it. He just sits in it while watching TV and loves it. He hates taking naps. He will get EXHAUSTED and cries when I swaddle him up, and then he’s out in like 2 min. BUT, is only sleeping 25-30 min MAX for all his naps. Doesn’t give me any time to get my work done AT ALL. I will literally look at the timer around 24 min and know he’s about to wake up. But he stays pretty on track with the feed, play, sleep cycle all day. And, he’s been consistently sleeping about 6 hours every night, wakes up to eat, and then will sleep another 2 hours. The past week, I cut out his last feeding around 11/12, and putting him to bed after he eats around 9 and he’s slept straight through until 6 still, eats and then will sleep maybe another hour after that. So that’s awesome! Sucks for me somewhat because I still have to get up and pump, but I won’t complain too much. He experienced his first snow up in Cleveland. Only was outside for like 5 min to take a picture and go back inside. It was too cold out. He had his 2 month shots, so pitiful. But he took them like a champ. Only took tylenol for the rest of the day. He watched the Falcons win the NFC Championship (Go Falcons!) and tomorrow will hopefully get to watch them WIN the Super Bowl! Of course, the Falcons would make the Super Bowl the first year I’m not working with them, but I couldn’t be more excited! haha

Likes: Cooper smiles and laughs all the time. He loves to be held and walked around. He loves watching TV in his Jumperoo. He loves to blow spit bubbles and make weird noises. He loves his wubbanub! He loves SLEEPING in the car seat, but if he’s awake and it’s not moving, forget about it.

Dislikes: He hates having the hiccups. He doesn’t like to take naps, he fights sleep so bad! He doesn’t like to sit still, or sit in your lap for that matter. He wants to be standing all the time.

THINGS HE CAN DO: He can smile and laugh, “talk” to you, grasp things with his hands. Pull himself up while holding onto you when he’s sitting. Move his head all around.

SIZE: He’s finally (sigh) out of all Newborn stuff. Wearing size 1 diapers and can’t wear any of his Newborn clothes anymore.

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