5 months old – how can that be!? It’s really flying by. I can’t believe he’s almost a half year old! So many changes this past month, it’s so fun to watch. After his doctor’s appointment, I started him on cereal and oatmeal. He wasn’t a huge fan. I didn’t really want to start until closer to 6 months, but the Doc said it wouldn’t hurt since his weight was so low. So I’ve gradually added more foods, and now he’s tried, bananas, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. He loves the bananas and sweet potatoes. The apples and pears were a little tart the first time he tried them. So since his appointment on March 9, he has gained over 2 lbs! I also stopped nursing him shortly after his appointment because it was becoming a real problem with him eating. He was screaming, crying, wouldn’t nurse off right side anymore, and so we thought it was reflux, Doc prescribed some meds for him, but after we got home, we gave him a bottle, and no issues at all. So it wasn’t the milk, I think he was just having issues with controlling the flow, and he was getting choked up, etc. So, (cue sad face) I may never nurse him again, which makes me really sad. I really do miss it, but it’s what is best for him, and that’s what’s important! I don’t know if it was just a coincidence, growth spurt, wasn’t eating enough, started foods, or a combination of all of the above, but he has gained 2 lbs in a month so whatever it is worked. He is taking six 5.5oz bottles a day.  We were doing 6oz bottles, and he would eat it no problem, but he would spit up more, so we dropped back down to 5.5 and he seems fine. So now I’m exclusively pumping, which is so time consuming and a pain when I need to go out, but it’s actually a lot easier than nursing him. Bubba has been helping me with his first feeding between 5/6 in the morning so I can pump while he feeds him and I can go back to bed after he goes to sleep. That helps a ton! He’s starting to complain about how tired he is now because of it, because this is the first time he’s really had a chance to feel the effects of getting up with the baby since I was always nursing. He is rolling back and forth all the time now. Doesn’t always realize that he can go from his tummy to back once he’s there, but he can do it. He’s trying really hard to get his knees up under him! I have a feeling he’s going to be crawling soon enough. And once that starts, there’s no stopping him. He is a wild man. Always moving, never sitting still. He still loves his jumperoo, and now instead of “marching” in it, he’s full on jumping with two feet. He’s playing with all his toys now, will entertain himself a little more. Still a struggle to take him out to eat, but we manage! When he’s tired, he will grab your face and lean in like he’s kissing you, it’s so cute! He is taking 3, sometimes 4 naps a day and they are usually about 1-2 hours long. Sometimes I only get one long nap a day, and the others are about 45 min. But I will take that! He’s still in his rock-n-play. I haven’t attempted the move to the pack n play yet. I keep putting it off. Bubba goes out of town for a few days next week so I may try it then when I don’t have to worry about him getting up for work. I’ve already discovered he’s a side sleeper. When he’s super tired and I’m getting him ready for bed, he automatically rolls on his side and falls asleep. So I may be a nervous wreck once he starts. I always said I would have him in his room as soon as he was sleeping through the night, but what I didn’t take into account is how far away his room is from ours! It’s upstairs and at the end of the hallway. And right now he’s still waking up crying a couple times, and I just put his paci back in and he’s asleep. I’ll give it some time in the pack n play first and then he will go to his crib. I swear he’s teething. I thought he was starting at his 4 month appointment and the doc told me he wasn’t. :-/ But now, I’m convinced. You can tell his gums are irritating him, he’s drooling all the time. He’s extra fussy at night. And I swear I can feel a tooth under his gums on the bottom. We shall see!

Likes: Grabbing faces, watching tv, jumping in jumperoo, kicking legs, his wubbanub, going for walks outside in his carrier and the stroller, when Mommy sings to him, when Daddy tickles him

Dislikes: He doesn’t like to be still, chill in his car seat, being tired.

THINGS HE CAN DO: Roll over to tummy, move around while on tummy, find his paci and put in his mouth, trying to get knees up under him, suck on his toes

SIZE: He just started wearing size 3 diapers this week. He could probably wear 2’s a little longer, but they fill up quick and he’s had a few blow outs this week. He doesn’t have much of a butt, haha, and he can still wear 0-3 month pants! Mainly 3 months. But he is wearing 3-6 month shirts/onesies, and I had to buy 6 month pajamas for him! 🙁 He’s growing so fast!



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