Had our 12 week appointment yesterday! Heartbeat still sounded strong. Found out that my blood type is O- which is extremely rare and means that Bubba now has to find out his blood type to see if he’s the same. Which odds are he isn’t! Which means I will have to get shots at week 28 and after birth to make sure my body doesn’t reject our little baby in there! They didn’t think it was too much to worry over. My sister had to do the same thing and everything was fine! Just one more

thing to worry about! But I’m feeling great, no complaints! I’ve been really tired this week. First trimester is almost over!


How far along: 12 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain: Total probably 6-7 pounds… but since my 8 week appointment, only ONE POUND! I thought it was so much more haha.. Woohoo!

Maternity clothes: Have completely migrated to maternity pants now… elastic waists are where it’s at. When shopping this weekend and did buy a good bit of maternity clothes though. So I’m preparing….

Stretch marks: Some are noticeable on my boobs, but still applying Palmer’s to prevent them. I kind of slacked off on the lotion… But back on it now!

Sleep: Terrible… I toss and turn all night… my dreams are OUT OF CONTROL! I don’t know if I’m so tired from being pregnant or just not sleeping at night! Bubba had to shake me the other night to wake me up because I was yelling jibberish and shaking in my sleep….. I was dreaming of being possessed by a demon…. that’s where my dreams are at right now :-\

Best moment of this week: Getting to hear it’s little heartbeat yesterday. Even though I have my own ultrasound machine, it was nice to have the doctor do it and say everything sounds great! And also getting to meet little McClain!! OMG he is the tiniest and cutest little baby boy ever! It was a slight wake up call though! haha… that will be me in 6 months… What am I gonna do?!!?

Miss anything: Not feeling so sluggish all the time… although, I may have always felt like that. I never have an overload of energy anyways… I miss SWEET TEA!!!

Movement: Not yet! It’s still growing in there! But apparently it can react to me pushing on my stomach, I just can’t feel it 🙂

Food cravings: I craved mexican yesterday, so I went and got chips and cheese dip/salsa… it was amazing.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope – those feelings have subsided. But I have noticed things that used to gross me out REALLY gross me out now…. I can’t hardly handle it…

Have you started to show yet: Yes… even though it still looks like a spare tire….

Gender: Don’t know yet!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: I’ll admit I’m pretty moody…. or maybe not so much moody but very short fused… Bubba has nicknamed me Supercharged…. as in I’m DJ on steroids…. :-/ hahaha you gotta laugh…

Looking forward to: Getting out of the first trimester! Things will really start rolling at that point!

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