4 months pregnant! I have a feeling time is going to start going by a lot faster! We went for our check up Tuesday and heard the strong little heartbeat again. Then we spent the week in Biloxi relaxing! I love being able to bring my work with me wherever I go and not miss a beat. I tried to get a tan… but that’s always a challenge. Baby is the size of an avocado… or a chipmunk! So we’ve been calling it our little chipmunk this week. The fact that there’s a human the size of a chipmunk growing inside of me is so weird! haha! One more week until we find out the gender… I don’t know why I’m so NERVOUS! I guess I’m just excited, but everything is going to change in a week and things are going to get real! 🙂

How far along: 15 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: Total about 9 pounds – 2 pounds in the last 2 months! Surely feels like more!

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah… still in that questionable stage though where not everyone would probably guess that I’m pregnant…

Stretch marks: Some on my boobs… applying the lotion to help!

Sleep: My right side is more comfortable than my left…

Best moment of this week: Being poolside in Biloxi relaxing…

Miss anything: sweet tea, cookie dough… hasn’t changed.. I’m really missing the sweet tea bad…. never gone this long without it :-/

Movement: It’s questionable… but I’m pretty positive I’m feeling tiny little movements…. feels like a muscle twitch or bubble popping sometimes…

Food cravings: Nope… not really anything in particular! Still just want to eat candy and sweet stuff a lot. (this hasn’t changed!)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. but my senses are apparently more heightened than I realized… strong smells will get to me…

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: Find out in ONE WEEK! 😀

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Still hormonal/moody…. but I think I can chalk most of that up to me being stressed about being pregnant and I tend to get moody when I’m stressed.

Looking forward to: Gender Reveal party next Sunday!! Can’t wait!!!

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