Halfway There!!! Wow… that’s crazy… So we had our 20 week ultrasound today. They did the whole anatomy scan and measured everything and said baby boy is healthy and measuring right on track! They confirmed (within literally 2 seconds of starting) that it was in fact a boy… haha. So I started my registry Sunday at Buy Buy Baby…. talk about overwhelming! That place is just insane. I remember shopping there when my sister-in-law was pregnant and thinking the same thing, but factor in being pregnant to that equation and suddenly you realize all that stuff they are selling is something you need… at some point… 😐  But it was so much fun! I bought the nursery furniture! Talked them into fitting the crib and dresser into my trusty 4runner and made it back home. It’s beautiful! I can’t wait to get it put together. Hopefully painting the room soon and then the fun will begin! So we decided on a name…… (drumroll)


We both have always loved the name and knew we wanted to use Bradley as a middle name after Bubba’s middle name, so it didn’t take us that long to decide! I’ve actually always loved the middle name Bradley since back in middle school maybe?! Somewhere I have a drawing I did of a fictional character named Tucker Bradley (That was my first choice in names BTW)…. So it’s ironic I married a Bradley. 🙂


Little Coop was sucking his thumb this morning during the ultrasound! 🙂


How far along: 20 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain: Total about 17 pounds (yikes!)

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…

Sleep: Nothing has changed here… at least one bathroom break a night and then trying to go back to sleep….

Best moment of this week: Registering, getting the furniture, and getting to see him today!

Miss anything: My feet… (insert new category below)

Cankles: YES! They have arrived… (crying) Granted, I did a heck of a lot of walking this weekend, so hopefully it’s only a phase…. going on 4 days now………

Movement: A little! I saw proof today that he is kicking, I just can’t totally feel them yet. Every now and then I will feel a little thump.

Food cravings: Still working on cutting out those sweets…. Not going so well…

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: I have to be honest and say I haven’t been as moody lately! haha

Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!!

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