22 weeks! Seems like it is just flying by now. The bump has made another drastic appearance… at least in my eyes… Haven’t done much else to the room this week. Kind of have to wait until I start getting actual baby stuff and then I can see where everything goes… For now, I just like to go up there and look at it… 🙂 I have started to feel him move a lot more this week! And literally overnight last night he is kicking like 10 times harder. So hard that Bubba was finally able to feel it this morning! So exciting! So weird! Still hard for me to grasp that there is a human being growing inside me! 😐 Craziness. We celebrated Father’s day last weekend.
We went up to Atlanta Saturday to watch my Dad fly in a WWII fighter plane. That was pretty awesome! Wish I could have done it with him! It wore me out though just riding in the car there and back. I could have slept for 2 days once we got back. And then Sunday we spent the day at Bubba’s parents house and visited his Granddaddy. Gave Bubba his first father’s day present! Little onesies that said “Born to play golf with Daddy” and “Daddy’s Little Caddie”. And also a bib with the periodic table that said “I periodically wear this”……… that was Bubba’s request, haha. #nerd I still get the “What are we gonna do when we actually have a child here?!?” Won’t hit him until he’s here I’m sure. haha

How far along: 22 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain: About 25 pounds (yikes! Aren’t I supposed to gain more towards the END?!)

Maternity clothes: Yep – definitely. And none of my shoes fit hardly anymore…. fun stuff

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…

Sleep: One or two bathroom breaks a night… main problem now is just finding a comfortable position because my back hurts so bad.

Best moment of this week: Getting to celebrate father’s day and Bubba feeling him kick this morning!

Miss anything: Fitting in my old clothes and shoes

Cankles: yesss…… ugh… my legs and feet are so swollen….

Movement: Yes! Finally definite movement!

Food cravings: For some reason I went through a whole gallon of chocolate milk this week…. I’m not a milk drinker, usually makes me sick. But that stuff was so good.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On – hoping my hands don’t swell anymore.

Happy or moody most of the time: Emotional more so than moody….

Looking forward to: My shower on July 16! And my niece Caitlyn is staying with me all next week!! 🙂

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