HELLO, third trimester! (Say what!?) Man, things are starting to get REAL. Everyone said the 2nd trimester was a breeze… they were right… not a lot happens, except your belly grows a lot… now the fun stuff… 😐 Had our 28 week appointment Wednesday. I was so nervous about the glucose test, I’ve been staring at that drink in my fridge for a month! So I open it and take a little sip first and was like, dang, this tastes good! haha! So I had no problem gulping down that sugar water in 5 minutes. My blood pressure was perfect, so still no concerns with the swelling. She called is nuisance swelling… it is definitely THAT.

I live in my compression socks now, because without them my feet are out of control ridiculous… Trying to think of a way to bring them into fashion… 😐 My doctor did say that for every 10 pounds I gain, like 7-8 of it is fluid! Which I was glad to hear from her mouth and not just read it. Doesn’t help the situation but at least I know I’m not getting fat on my own. Got my rhogam shot – UGH… I seriously hate shots. In all honesty it wasn’t THAT BAD. I just turn into a little wimp when shots or needles come near me. SO GLAD that appointment is over with… glucose, blood labs, and a shot… way too much for me in one day! Yeah, labor is gonna be fun. On a brighter note, I had such a great weekend last week just relaxing and hanging out with Lindsey & Mac, Sam & Macy. Poor little Mac didn’t know what we were doing to him. In and out of the car, nap here, ocean there, pool, up late…. But it was a blast! Maybe next summer we can try it again with Cooper and Mac together 😀 haha. Cooper hasn’t been that active this week. Little stinker just doesn’t move that much. But apparently I’m the only one concerned. I guess he really is just chill. He moved a bunch on Sunday when I got home. It was so weird because I was able to poke on where his feet were kicking and feel them! Maybe he didn’t like that too much so he’s been pretty dormant. But definitely still growing! My belly has been getting pretty tight every now and then the past week… So I assume that’s just going to get worse as the weeks go by….I’ve started feeling what I think is heartburn a little at night… burning in my throat… Never really had heartburn before, so I’m not 100% certain that’s what it is, but I would assume that’s what it feels like. So we are on baby watch with my sister-in-law… should be meeting Lillibeth in the next week or two! 😀 And assuming she doesn’t come next Wednesday, my parents are coming down to help me finish off some things in the nursery. 🙂


How far along: 28 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: Eh… about 30 or so…… dadgum fluid…..But at least I know it IS in fact mostly fluid and not all FAT

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…except one tiny tiny little faint one on my belly…… :-/

Sleep: Sleeping better with the snoogle pillow! But still getting up once or twice a night.

Best moment of this week: Going to the beach with friends! And finally getting that dreadful appointment OVER WITH

Miss anything: walking without a waddle… not getting out of breath ALL the time…

Cankles: Out of control….

Movement: He hasn’t been too active, but definitely still growing! His kicks are getting stronger!

Food cravings: Nothing in particular… but loving that I am able to eat cereal every morning again!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In – FINGERS CROSSED it stays that way. It’s questionable.

Wedding rings on or off: Sporting the fake one from now on….. but I like it! haha

Happy or moody most of the time: Meh… just normal I guess! (Bubba says that’s not true…whatever)

Looking forward to: My parents coming next week – and waiting on Lillibeth’s arrival!!

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