8 weeks to go! 😀 I suddenly feel like I have nothing prepared! I cleaned out my bathroom cabinets this week, because I feel like I may never get to again. Although, I had to do it over a period of a couple days because I seriously get so out of breath and my feet just get bigger as I’m sitting there. But at least it’s a start! Now I have to finish it. (I’m so bad about that). We have an exciting couple weeks coming up! And with so many things to look forward to, by the time it’s all over it will be time for Cooper to make his appearance…. so that’s exciting! We celebrated Cole & Michelle’s upcoming wedding last night with a little get together at the house. It’s right around the corner!!
This is our last free weekend until October – and we have nothing planned. haha! But we talked about what we could do and both decided we’d probably rather just stay home and relax. At some point, I need to get Bubba caught up on all the childbirth info that I’ve been reading about for 8 months and he hasn’t. :-/ So the whole going to the bathroom all the time thing that I thought was bad, was nothing. It has reached an entirely new level. I feel like I have to go ALL the time. It’s gotten ridiculous. Cooper is rolling around like crazy – I guess he’s getting in the right position, or so I’m told!  So excited for the next few weekends. I’ve got my friend’s shower next weekend, and also Maternity photos that Sunday! And then the week after that is Cole & Michelle’s beach wedding! And then my last shower the weekend after that. So exciting!

How far along: 32 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: 40

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…except one tiny tiny little faint one on my belly…… :-/

Sleep: Waking up like every 2 hours to go to the bathroom. Insanity.

Best moment of this week: Celebrating Cole & Michelle last night with friends!

Miss anything: Being able to breath… not swelling… going to the bathroom a normal amount of times throughout the day

Cankles: Out of control….

Movement: He’s rolling around in there – I feel like he’s running out of “womb” – but he’s got 8 more weeks to grow so I guess it’ll only get worse!

Food cravings: Still nothing in particular

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope – just the occasional heartburn – but even that isn’t that bad.

Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger every day!

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: Still in…. although you can definitely see it through my shirts now….

Wedding rings on or off: Sporting the fake one from now on….. but I like it! haha

Happy or moody most of the time: Still getting emotional and sometimes moody

Looking forward to: A relaxing weekend – and all the exciting things this month!

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