Can’t believe we are down to like 3-5 weeks to go. Things have really started to speed up making that more evident! I feel more pregnant than ever, I’ve been sick most all week, and my back/sciatic nerve are absolutely killing me. Walking and standing feels like such a chore. But all of those things are signs that my body is getting ready for labor, so that freaks me out a touch, and also makes me feel good that my body knows what it’s doing even if I don’t.
We had our 35 week ultrasound this week and everything looked perfect! His head is measuring in the 97% at 38 weeks (um yeah) and he weighed almost 6 pounds which is right on track. So I guess my hopes for a teeny tiny baby aren’t going to happen, but all that matters is that he is healthy! 🙂 I washed all the newborn clothes, blankets, sheets, anything else I felt was necessary this week, started packing my hospital bag…. and started freaking out a little bit. Definitely been an emotional week, but the last 9 months of me saying how calm I am, and not worried, yeah… that finally caught up with me I think. Not gonna lie, I’m scared! But I also know God is in control and he will get us through this and the end result is something I can’t even fathom yet. I have my last shower this weekend and I’m so excited! Get to see my family and spend an extra day or so with my Mom – she is going to help me get everything together! Start going to the doctor every week now – so game on! 😀

How far along: 35 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: 50 – only 2 pounds since my last appointment!

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…and It’s frustrating because it’s like maternity clothes weren’t made for the last month and a half of pregnancy. Just the cute bump stage. Not the huge bump stage.

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…except one tiny tiny little faint one on my belly…… :-/

Sleep: Every night at 2 and 4 and again around 6 or 7 I take a trip to the bathroom. It’s fun.

Best moment of this week: Getting to see little Cooper in the ultrasound and knowing everything is fine!

Miss anything: everything about my body…. I thought I used to have chronic pain all the time, but that was nothing. My back, my sciatic nerve, my legs, my feet, my heels, my toes, my hands! GoodNESS my hands.

Cankles: After last weekend, they’ve done pretty well this week. But still massive.

Movement: Yeah he’s kicking in there alright. Gets pretty uncomfortable at times.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular

Anything making you queasy or sick: Apparently anything I ate this week made me sick. But no – no quesiness.

Have you started to show yet: Yeah – according to Bubba I’m “Gigantic!” haha gotta love him.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: Definitely pokes through my clothes but the belly button itself is still in thank God.

Wedding rings on or off: Yeah – even my fake one (2 sizes bigger than my original) is a little tight… how sad.

Happy or moody most of the time: Been extremely emotional this week. Like a roller coaster of emotions.

Looking forward to: My final shower this weekend!! 🙂 Seeing my family!

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