WE ARE EXPECTING! Is this really real?? So weird… Can’t really wrap our heads around it yet. Especially Bubba! I’ve been so tired lately and SO HUNGRY! That’s probably not a good sign so early… haha… We are over the moon excited!!!


How far along: 4 weeks!

Total weight gain: Nothing yet!

Maternity clothes: Nope

Stretch marks: Bout some Palmer’s lotion to start applying!

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good – just have to go to the bathroom a lot!

Best moment of this week: Finding out for sure that we are pregnant!!! I only took about 20 tests…. started out really faint, all speculation, and turned into a clear positive!

Miss anything: not at all!

Movement: No – it’s tiny tiny tiny!!

Food cravings: Not sure it’s a craving, but I have been on a tomato basil soup kick lately!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Have you started to show yet: Nope!

Gender: Don’t know yet!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Extremely happy this week! I seriously can’t contain my excitement

Looking forward to: going to my consultation with the midwife and getting this thing rolling!!

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