So – here we are. 41 weeks! And absolutely no signs of labor yet. :-\ Either he’s stubborn or he’s just really chill. I was really hoping that something would get started on its own before we go to the hospital tonight, and I guess there’s still time, but it isn’t looking promising! Either way, we head to the hospital tonight, and induction starts in the morning! Should be holding our baby boy by the end of the day tomorrow (Geez, it’s so surreal to say that)!
I’m in such a weird state of mind today. Not really sure how to take it all in. Didn’t really expect to “know” when it was going to happen. Woke up this morning for the last time in our house without a baby with us! It’s just all so weird. I’m extremely nervous, but excited, and emotional, and scared, and nervous, and terrified… did I say nervous?! It’ll be fine. If I can get my husband to make it through it I think I’ll be fine. He’s having a “rough day” at work. haha.. He’s so nervous and anxious that he has made himself sick. Once we get to the hospital though and there are people around us who know what they’re doing he will calm down. My parents come in tonight 🙂 And my Mom will stay with me for about a week. I just know that this time is going to fly by and creep by at the same time. I can’t even imagine what is in store for us in the coming days! I will post something once he’s here and is cleaned up looking cute 🙂 I’m hoping I get to be the first one to post the first picture of our son! 😀 Stay tuned….

How far along: 40 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain: 58

Maternity clothes: Haha….

Stretch marks: No new ones!

Sleep: Nope… not at all…. especially not last night… and probably not anytime soon.

Best moment of this week: Knowing we get to meet Cooper!!!

Miss anything: Not being in pain, not waddling, not being so SWOLLEN!

Cankles: Rather entire body…. to the max.

Movement: He’s more chill than he was, but I assume that’s because I’m 41 weeks and he has NO ROOM.

Food cravings: Still just thirsty all the time… and I ate a good bit of Halloween candy too…..

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope – just the occasional heartburn

Have you started to show yet: haha.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: Had consistent tightening 5 min apart for about an hour or so on Friday…. then it subsided, and that was it. Nothing else. At All.

Belly button in or out: Can definitely see through my clothes now.

Wedding rings on or off: Off… oh well.

Happy or moody most of the time: Definitely on a roller coaster of emotions right now.

Looking forward to: Seeing and holding Cooper for the first time!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 And watching it sink in with Bubba once he sees him.

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