Cannot believe 4 months have come and gone so fast!! I am loving every minute with this little guy. He is changing every day and growing so fast! In the past week or two he has started taking a little longer naps, we are now up to about 45 min – sometimes an hour to an hour and a half. Yay! 🙂 He’s still eating every 2.5-3 hours which comes to about 6-7 times a day. That’s exhausting. Goes to bed about 9/10, wakes up at 6, eats, and back down for another hour or two. Really can’t complain about that! He’s been out of his swaddle for a few weeks now, and in a zippadee-zip. He seems to love it, even though it’s still pretty big on him. But he does great in it! The next step is moving him out of his Rock N Play into the Pack N Play. I keep putting it off because I know he isn’t going to sleep as well, at least the first few times. But he’s started rolling over in his rock n play because he has that foot support. Drives me crazy. He’s starting to be so much fun. He’s grasping toys, and playing on his activity mat, reaching for and grabbing your face. He laughs a lot, he’s such a happy little baby. He also squeals a lot. I can foresee a little temper. (yay). He goes absolutely crazy in his Jumperoo. Will sit and bounce in that thing for like 30 minutes. And with a smile on his face! Cracks me up. He will sit and pay attention while reading books, he loves the TV (I can’t help it… I know..) It’s gotten really hard to take him out places with us because he acts a fool. Doesn’t want to stay in car seat, and after about 10 minutes of me holding him he wants something different. So we haven’t been going out as much anymore. I have learned how to do most things with one hand, while holding him in the other.  His hair started growing in within the last 2 weeks. It’s so cute. Now I’m hoping the other doesn’t fall out. He was baptized at St. Patrick’s on February 12. It was such a special day! We had our families there, and did it after mass. Too stressful to do during, haha. And rightfully so because he pitched one royal fit. Once I dipped him back it was all over. He didn’t stop screaming for like 15 minutes. Poor thing. But it was great! He had his 4 month checkup yesterday and the doctor said he looked great! He’s up to 12lbs 4oz, which is only the 2%, haha… but he said he wasn’t concerned one bit. Breastfed babies tend to be on the lower end anyways and he’s gained a pound a month, so he’s doing good! He did recommend getting him going on some oatmeal just to see. I’m not too entirely thrilled about that, but it’s worth a shot. He eased my concerns about the allergies and stuff. Planning on starting Monday I think. He had more shots yesterday too. Poor little guy, it was so pitiful. He slept all day long. Didn’t stay awake for more than 20-30 min at a time and would fall asleep while eating. But he slept through the night still and today he’s better. Has a little fever but doing well. I just can’t believe how fast time is going by! Everyone warns you, but it doesn’t prepare you. I will never swaddle him again. He will never be that tiny little newborn again. But I’m so excited to watch him grow!!! And with so many baby friends coming along!!! 🙂 🙂

Likes: Grabbing faces, watching tv, jumping in jumperoo, kicking legs, his wubbanub, when Mommy sings the Monkees theme song, going for walks outside in his carrier

Dislikes: He doesn’t like to be still, chill in his car seat

THINGS HE CAN DO: He can do tummy time long enough to turn a complete circle on mat, ALMOST roll from back to tummy, grasp and play with toys, “talk” to you, grab your face, chuckle,

SIZE: He’s just moved up to size 2 diapers, which I didn’t have any of. I had a closet full of size 1’s and now have to return them all! He’s wearing 3 month clothes, but some are a little tight and too short. 3-6 months clothes are about right.



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