I’m almost done with the first trimester! It really has flown! Especially since we started telling people! I’m feeling great. Just fat 😛 I think the bump has officially arrived, so it kind of just looks like I’m fat right now. Went to the beach over the weekend, walked A LOT. Spent one day at Disney… about killed me. But it was fun! We have our 12 week appointment Wednesday, so hopefully all good news!! 🙂

How far along: 11 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: Probably about 6-7 pounds (ugh)

Maternity clothes: Pants, yes… More like anything that has elastic because I can’t button my jeans or wear a belt comfortably.

Stretch marks: Applying Palmer’s to prevent them…. here’s hoping.

Sleep: Not getting up nearly as much at night…usually just once.

Best moment of this week: Spending a few days with my niece and nephews and sister at the beach. We spent one whole day at Disney!

Miss anything: Getting to ride Space Mountain and the newest roller coaster at Disney :-/

Movement: Not yet! It’s still growing in there!

Food cravings: I’m not having any huge cravings, but sweets sound good to me… and I am eating so much fruit!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope – those feelings have subsided.

Have you started to show yet: Yes – I believe so… if what’s showing isn’t from the baby then I have some serious issues I need to take care of 😐

Gender: Don’t know yet!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Been a little moody this week :-/ Had a hormonal breakdown of anger… (poor Bubba) and extremely tired, which can probably be chalked up to just being with the kids all week.

Looking forward to: Meeting little McClain for the first time tomorrow!! He’s almost 2 weeks old, I can’t wait! 🙂

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