Can’t believe I’m almost 4 months pregnant!! There’s no denying it now… my bump looks like it is here to stay… Literally like overnight it has officially appeared. This is starting to feel real! Call me crazy but I keep thinking this isn’t real and that I’m going to have to tell people I was mistaken. Even though we continuously hear the heartbeat and had a doctor show us and tell us, we haven’t seen anything that resembles a human yet, so until that sonogram on May 21, my mind isn’t 100% there. I haven’t been sick, just look bigger! haha so that’s probably why. Celebrating Mother’s Day this weekend! I guess this is my first official one…. weird… :-/

How far along: 15 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: Total about 8 pounds – haven’t gained any more weight in over a month!

Maternity clothes: Yep.. that day has come.. shirts, pants, bring it on.

Stretch marks: Some on my boobs… applying the lotion to help!

Sleep: toss and turn still, and starting to be uncomfortable in certain positions.

Best moment of this week: Going to the Mart in Atlanta! Even though I felt like a freight train had hit me that night, it was the best overwhelming experience and I can’t wait to go back! haha

Miss anything: sweet tea, cookie dough… hasn’t changed..

Movement: Apparently the exploding gas-like bubbles I feel every now and then could possibly be the baby… but no definite movement that I know of yet!

Food cravings: Nope… not really anything in particular! Still just want to eat candy and sweet stuff a lot.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope..

Have you started to show yet: Yes… it officially POPPED the last couple days.. rounded out and actually looks like a pregnant belly! I might have to just accept it and flaunt it now.

Gender: Don’t know yet! Will find out at reveal party on May 22!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: I have a short fuse…. at least I can admit it though, right?

Looking forward to: Mother’s Day weekend with the fam! And hopefully getting to go on our mini-vacay next week! Poolside is calling my name.

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