Gender Reveal party was a success and IT’S A BOY!!! We are over the moon excited, and scared! Bubba especially. Things got real for him this weekend. We had our ultrasound Saturday and got to see the little peanut for the first time! So surreal… seriously the coolest thing I have ever seen. Still hard to wrap my head around! Little man wouldn’t move, he was so chill and comfortable, the tech had to work her magic and get him to roll over and cooperate. Said he’s very CHILL and loves to SNUGGLE. Hallelujah! Let’s pray he stays that way. We had our party Sunday with all of our family and some friends – this little boy is already so loved! Half our confetti poppers didn’t work but we got the news regardless! So much fun! Now to figure out how to raise a little boy 😐

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How far along: 17 weeks 5 days

Total weight gain: Total about 10 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yep – it’s come to that!

Stretch marks: Some on my boobs… applying the lotion to help!

Sleep: Not sleeping well through the night… once I get up to use the bathroom it’s hard to go back to sleep and get comfortable.

Best moment of this week: Gender Reveal!! So much fun and exciting! We were both so nervous and anxious since we had the ultrasound Saturday morning!

Miss anything: I’ve come around a little to drinking very little sweet tea, enough to satisfy the craving every now and then….

Movement: Have definitely started feeling little kicks!! The technician confirmed for me that where I’m feeling them is correct! Just oh so subtle little kicks, not that often (because he’s chilled, remember!?) but I am feeling them!

Food cravings: No particular cravings… just sweets still!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody… most of the time… Can’t help it.

Looking forward to: Registering and SHOPPING now!! YAY!

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