Now the FUN begins!! I’ve had very little control over my baby clothes spending this week. It didn’t help that TJMaxx had an entire rack of Polo clearance boys clothes. I mean, come on… what was I supposed to do!? I always said boys clothes weren’t as fun as girls, but I may have to retract that statement. I’ve started planning the nursery, putting together my own inspiration board combined from several I’ve seen. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to do rustic woodland, vintage sports, or vintage airplanes….. My only concern was having something look too cartoonish/childish… (it’s a child though, I know… haha) but I think I’ve decided on the woodland theme (it’s all the rage right now!) Which leaves it open to so many different elements I can throw in the room…  Yay!! It’s killing me not to go get everything and finish it tomorrow… that’s just how I am. And I think we’ve decided on a name! We just want it to marinate for a little while to make sure 🙂 I feel like I’ve had a milestone to look forward to up until this point…. the first ultrasound, telling family, the second ultrasound, and the gender reveal…. now it’s just go time and planning for his arrival! The baby registry has already started (online because I’m so impatient and can’t wait until next Sunday to come!). So exciting! 🙂


How far along: 18 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain: Total about 10 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yep – it’s come to that! Starting to embrace the bump…

Stretch marks: Some on my boobs… applying the lotion to help!

Sleep: Not sleeping well through the night… once I get up to use the bathroom it’s hard to go back to sleep and get comfortable. I blame our terrible mattress…. Bubba says I’m crazy :-/

Best moment of this week: Besides finding out the gender….. SHOPPING for him!

Miss anything: I’ve come around a little to drinking very little sweet tea, enough to satisfy the craving every now and then….

Movement: Tiny tiny little kicks every so often…. dude is chill, at least for now… so maybe in the coming weeks I’ll start to feel him a little more!

Food cravings: Only the constant sweet cravings – gotta have sweets after a meal :-/

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody… most of the time… Can’t help it.

Looking forward to: Registering and more shopping… I will try to contain myself. And revealing his name soon!!


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