24 weeks – I’m now 6 months pregnant! Just a few more months to go. Crazy! The fact that my sister-in-law is only 8 weeks out and will probably go early makes it all seem a little more real at this point. My belly is growing by the day. It has gotten higher, which means I have to creatively find a way to tie my shoes and pick things up. Although tying my shoes is a whole other topic because, well…. I can barely fit in my tennis shoes. 😐 I mean,look at them feet! :-O They are out of control. But the doctor wasn’t concerned at all. My blood pressure is perfect, so basically just said “sucks to be pregnant in the south” :-/ My hands are a bit swollen… resulting in not being able to wear my wedding ring anymore! ugh… So I went and bought a cheapo ring to wear for the next few months because I feel naked without one. IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT! 🙂 Cooper is still kicking, not very hard or often, but he’s still there. My mom and Caitlyn got to feel him kick last weekend when I was home so that was exciting! His heartrate was 139bpm Wednesday at the doctor. And, we found out we won the office gift set they were giving away! Has a Chicco carrier, some blankets and other little things. So that was exciting!! Haven’t done too much more in the nursery. Kind of at a stand still until I get some necessities to fill it up. I got the main art piece put together that will go over the crib, just have to hang it on the wall now. Just some stained pine wood and some aluminum letters. I also couldn’t resist getting some tiny little shoes… I mean, how adorable! And I hit Goodwill up for some classic books to fill the book cases!

Today is me and Bubba’s 4th wedding anniversary! Hard to believe it’s been 4 years. So blessed and excited for our future together! Four years doesn’t seem like much considering we’ve been together 12 years now! Bubba got me an edible arrangements bouquet and a box of more chocolate covered fruit (4th year gift is fruit and flowers). He nailed it. And I will eat all of it. 🙂


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How far along: 24 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain: About 25 pounds – so the fast weight gain is due to my fast swelling all over. :-/ If that should make me feel better or something.

Maternity clothes: Wearing the pants with the belly bands now… those are cool……..and hot…..

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…

Sleep: Awake at least every 2-3 hours…. my back kills me and I can’t get comfortable.

Best moment of this week: My mom and Caitlyn feeling him kick for sure. And today being our 4th wedding anniversary!

Miss anything: having multiple outfit options…. My feet not looking like elephant feet… I would post a picture, but um, it’s kind of hilarious…. and embarassing….

Cankles: As mentioned above… I have elephant feet… like really bad… I didn’t know it was possible for my ankles and feet to swell so much.

Movement: Yes! Little man is kicking in there. Still not that evident for others to feel but he’s getting there. I won’t complain… he’s supposed to be a chill baby, remember!?

Food cravings: Still loving me some chocolate milk. So I guess I’m craving dairy products…

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Officially off :-\ ugh!!! But I have my cheapo replacement in the meantime.

Happy or moody most of the time: Emotional… sometimes moody.

Looking forward to: Celebrating our anniversary this weekend. And my shower next weekend!

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