I feel like my stomach is growing by the DAY! I know I read that he would be doubling in size in the next month, but geez! Sleeping is definitely uncomfortable. I wish I had a recliner downstairs that I could sleep in, I feel like that would be more comfortable. And it’s more evident now than ever how high our bed actually is. I’m gonna need to get a step stool soon, like seriously. My feet/ankles/legs are out of control… no matter if I stay inside all day or not. Still big as a whale! I mean, can you see them in the photo? Kind of hard to hide them. 😐 His kicks are getting stronger every day! I’m probably going to wish I hadn’t complained so much about not feeling them sooner at some point. He seems to be pretty active between 10-12 PM… yay… but that’s usually when we are settling down to go to bed anyways, so I guess it fits into our schedule! He will be a night owl like us. Last night around 4:30AM, I was up taking my usual bathroom break and my husband/way too avid golf fan was up watching the Open since it was live on TV at that time…. Cooper started kicking like crazy! It lasted a good 30 minutes and then he calmed down. Either he was excited I was awake, or he knew his Daddy was watching golf… :-/ So in recent baby gear news, Bubba’s parents got us the high chair this week! An early baby shower gift since she can’t make it this weekend. It’s half put together in the kitchen. Nothing stays in a box long in my house. Can’t wait for this weekend, I get to see so many people that I haven’t seen in awhile! 🙂 Plus we get to celebrate my niece’s 4th birthday Sunday! So double celebrations this weekend, fun stuff! 🙂 In other news, my baby books are in production and should have them ready to post on my site in the next couple weeks! I am so excited!!! I’ve got the binder, the laminator, the coils, been making some custom envelopes for them… I’m ready to go! 🙂

How far along: 25 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: Eh… about 25 or so…… (You can see it all in my feet, just look….)

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah… even my oversized tshirts are getting tight….

Stretch marks: Just the boobs… and the pregnancy line started to show this week, very faintly.

Sleep: Awake at least every 2-3 hours…. my back kills me and I can’t get comfortable.

Best moment of this week: Getting to feel his kicks getting stronger… Sometimes I get too paranoid when I think I should be feeling more, but he’s still there and assures me of that.

Miss anything: being skinny…. 🙁 I know, I know, I’m pregnant… and Bubba and I get a good laugh out of it, but it still doesn’t change the way I see myself right now. Everything is swollen….

Cankles: unbelievable… really, you have to see them to believe how big they are…. I can’t bend my ankles to walk normal because they are so tight…

Movement: Getting stronger every day! I’m definitely feeling more movement overall and not just tiny kicks. I’m praying he stays chill like they told me he was… I’ve already got my hopes up for a perfect chill baby.

Food cravings: Still loving the dairy… and sweets….

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Sporting the fake one from now on….. but I like it! haha

Happy or moody most of the time: Emotional… sometimes moody.

Looking forward to: Baby shower this weekend!! and Emmie Jules’ birthday party Sunday. Love family time!

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