It’s been a rough week over here after having such a fun weekend! Spent last weekend back home with my friends and family. Had my baby shower Saturday, which was great! I got so many awesome things and am so thankful! Got my pack-n-play, diaper bags, clothes, lots of baby necessities, some decor, etc etc! So exciting! 🙂 My favorite story is a gift my mom’s friend Gail got for me… One of her oldest dearest friends, kept one of my baby sweaters from a yard sale my Mom was having years and years ago! Said she couldn’t let me mom part with it because it made her think of me. So she said she would keep it and give it to my kids one day! Well… that’s just what she did. So thoughtful and sentimental, I love it!

Caitlyn and I made some eggless cookie dough while I was home….. YUM. definitely fulfills the craving. And then Sunday, we went to Atlanta to celebrate my niece’s 4th birthday party! She was adorable, and just loving every minute of it. Such a fun age! So we head home after a fun weekend, Bubba wakes up in the middle of the night sick as can be, high fever, the chills, you name it. Not fun. I was so afraid I was going to get whatever he had! But thank GOD I didn’t. He was sick in bed for two days! And then we get the news in the midst of all of this that his Grandaddy has passed away, after complications with a surgery he had over the weekend from falling and breaking his hip. So so sad… But we know he is now with Grandma and with Jesus and he’s never been happier! Hard to let people go, but so comforting knowing he’s in a better place! I’m so sad Cooper will never get to meet him, but I know without a doubt that Grandaddy will be watching over him, he was so excited about Cooper! And I know he will learn about him from the rest of the family, as they could tell stories for days! What a life he had! I’m so thankful for the short time I have had to call him Grandaddy, as I never got to meet mine. He was definitely one of a kind. So needless to say I have been on an emotional roller coaster this week! Hormones don’t help the situation. But, I’m looking forward to taking a mini beach trip next weekend with my friends, even though I may be mistaken for a beached whale, I’ll take it. This second trimester is almost over! So hard to believe! It’s about to be countdown time!




33 weeks, 31 weeks, 25 weeks, and 17 weeks with twins!




28 years later!


friends since forever! 31 weeks, 3 months old and 25 weeks!



How far along: 26 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: Eh… about 25 or so…… dadgum fluid…..

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…

Sleep: Awake at least every 2-3 hours…. Got me a pregnancy pillow and it surprisingly (or not surprisingly) has helped!

Best moment of this week: baby shower and my niece’s birthday party with friends and family!

Miss anything: same ol’ stuff… my old clothes, my old feet (I never thought I’d miss those things haha)

Cankles: ughh… some days are better than others, but most days sucks.. You can literally push on my skin and leave an indention like one of those squishy balls… hilarious, really.

Movement: Some days he’s moving ALL DAY and others hardly at all. Was going crazy the other night in the movie theater, I guess because it was so loud! Felt like he was gonna kick through! He’s definitely moving in there though!

Food cravings: Still loving the dairy… and sweets….

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Sporting the fake one from now on….. but I like it! haha

Happy or moody most of the time: Emotional this week FOR SURE…

Looking forward to: beach trip with the girls next weekend…. and getting through the next couple days as we say goodbye to Grandaddy!

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