Week 27 – last week of second trimester! Hard to believe. There’s definitely been a major change in the past week! His subtle little kicks turned into actual kicks, and my belly is moving with him…. so that’s weird…! Makes it feel a little more real and gives me a little more peace of mind now that I feel him actually moving! He definitely has a little schedule already it seems. Moves mid morning a lot, mid-day and then when I lay down for bed! Bubba is definitely freaked out a little by the whole thing. He’s so paranoid all the time about him! I imagine that will get better once he’s here (HA). I’m not gonna lie, I’m a

little freaked out myself. The closer I get, and the more movements I feel, the more real it makes it, and the more I freak out about having this baby! I do not like not having any control over the situation what-so-ever! Not only do I not have control over it, but I have no clue what to expect. That’s the worst part. If I knew it was going to happen one way and that was it, I’d be alright, but so many scenarios, so many things to think about and yeah… that’s where my mind goes. No point in getting too uptight over it I guess! I’m just ready to meet this little boy! So, I’m going to the beach this weekend with two of my bestest friends and little Mac, and I can’t wait! I may look like a beached whale, but who cares. 😀 Not looking forward to my doctor’s appointment next week. Glucose test and rhogam shot 😛 UGH. I hate shots.


How far along: 27 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain: Eh… about 30 or so…… dadgum fluid…..

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…

Sleep: Sleeping better with the snoogle pillow! But still getting up once or twice a night.

Best moment of this week: Seeing my belly move as Cooper moved!

Miss anything: not being swollen… everywhere! Being able to bend over, not getting so out of breath when doing so….

Cankles: yeah, can you see them in the photo? Ridiculous.

Movement: Definitely kicked it into 3rd gear this week. Moving like crazy, and watching it happen!

Food cravings: Nothing in particular…

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In – FINGERS CROSSED it stays that way. It’s questionable.

Wedding rings on or off: Sporting the fake one from now on….. but I like it! haha

Happy or moody most of the time: Meh… just normal I guess!

Looking forward to: beach trip with the girls this weekend!! 😀

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