Allergies finally calmed down a bit this week, thank GOD. But I’m still pretty swollen. Maybe it wasn’t just the allergies :-/ I love watching him move – it’s so crazy! He’s pretty chill so he really doesn’t move around a whole lot, but every now and then he decides to do some flips. He had the hiccups one day this week! It was very faint, but I could feel it. Bubba got to feel it too, haha, so cute! I have been drowning in Etsy orders this week – back to school signs! I love it. I couldn’t imagine still working at my other job this year. This time last year I was at my lowest point, ever. I was literally crying every single day and night. I was sleeping like 3 hours a night and then back at it the next morning. It was terrible. No possible way I could handle that kind of stress anymore. I miss my job at times, especially seeing the Corky Kell on tv last night, and watching the Falcons play their preseason games, but it was time for me to move on and tackle new challenges in my life! I think little Cooper will be the greatest adventure yet 🙂 So Cooper’s little cousin, Lilibeth, was born last night!! I’m going to get to meet her today and I am so excited!! She was born at 11:47PM and weighed in almost 8.5 lbs! Emmie Jules was so excited when I talked to her yesterday that she was going to meet her little sister. Also super excited to see all my lovely friends this weekend as we celebrate Carissa and little Hope! She is due in a few weeks!! Babies babies everywhere! Julie was always sort of my “safe” timeline…. meaning, as long as

How far along: 30 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: About 35-40….

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…except one tiny tiny little faint one on my belly…… :-/

Sleep: Still just rolling over all the time. I have a fear that I’m going to squish my stomach, so every time I roll over it wakes me up.

Best moment of this week: Lilibeth being born last night!! And feeling Cooper’s hiccups.

Miss anything: Just my normal body and doing things normally. Does that even make sense?! I would like to be able to hop into bed (our bed is high) without it  being a workout, or putting socks on without getting out of breath. Just normal things like that.

Cankles: Out of control….

Movement: He’s still kickin’ around in there! Goes dormant every now and then, and camps out pretty low, but I think he’s starting to get a little more cramped in there.

Food cravings: Still nothing in particular – just drinking a lot of milk!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. still no sickness

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah… I’m pregnant. Getting bigger every day I feel like.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: Still in…. I hope it holds on!!! Getting pretty close.

Wedding rings on or off: Sporting the fake one from now on….. but I like it! haha

Happy or moody most of the time: Emotional more than moody

Looking forward to: Meeting my new little niece today!!!! And Carissa’s shower tomorrow!

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