We are now into single digits with weeks left until we meet little Cooper! I can’t believe I just said that. CRAZY how fast it is starting to fly by. I am now to the point of “feeling pregnant” and ready to get it over with! Not that I don’t love being pregnant, because this whole experience has been amazing and weird, and I truly do love it… but it’s so dadgum HOT outside, and I can’t take the heat when I’m not pregnant… now I just run for the closest door when I’m outside or I’m completely miserable. My swelling is just getting worse… and by worse I don’t mean that it’s unhealthy in any way, the doctors have assured us of that. It’s just getting worse in the sense that it’s living
up to its name of “nuisance swelling”… what a NUISANCE. My hands and finger joints just ACHE all day long… my one stupid finger that gets stuck bent every single night (what is THAT about)… the fact that when I put my tennis shoes on at night to go to the gym I barely have any shoe lace to tie because they are so stretched out… haha… BUT at least I can say I am still going to the gym (thanks Bubba) and doing something… it may not be much, but at least I’m going! We started working out together the month we got pregnant, so unfortunately for Bubba I haven’t been much of a partner. But I’m so proud of him for sticking with it this long! He is so much more healthier because of it and that’s all that matters. College sports will take the motivation to work out right out of you. Or at least it did for us. ANYWAYS, so doctor appointment went great this week. They are starting to get more serious the closer we get. More serious questions and discussions… I’m measuring right at 31 weeks, so that’s good news! I’m terrified I’m going to have a huge baby. So I’m hoping he stays petite and healthy. We start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now! This is getting REAL! We got to meet sweet little Lilibeth last weekend! So tiny and precious! And such a realization that I’m going to have one of those things here shortly. We’ll figure it out. (right?) And I’m so excited for my friend Carissa who is in the hospital today expecting her little girl, Hope!


How far along: 31 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: 40

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…

Stretch marks: Just the boobs…except one tiny tiny little faint one on my belly…… :-/

Sleep: Not too bad, just rolling over and going to the bathroom a lot.

Best moment of this week: Meeting Lilibeth!

Miss anything: not waddling (Bubba says I waddle). Fall weather. My feet.

Cankles: Out of control….

Movement: Oh yeah – he’s turning flips in there. Sometimes pokes at my belly and keeps it there and I’ll push it back. Not sure which way he is facing, so no clue if it’s a hand or a foot, or a knee…

Food cravings: Still nothing in particular

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.. Although I have had a few minor heartburn incidents. They don’t last but for a few minutes, but GOOD NESS. I feel for people who deal with that every single day of their pregnancy. And I knock on wood that it doesn’t get worse for me. I literally get to the point where all I want to do is throw up.

Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger every day!

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: Still in…. although you can definitely see it through my shirts now….

Wedding rings on or off: Sporting the fake one from now on….. but I like it! haha

Happy or moody most of the time: I was pretty emotional this week… for no reason at all.

Looking forward to: Celebrating with Michelle (a little bit) this weekend for her wedding! and waiting to hear about little Hope Merryn Camp!

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