37 weeks! Wow… I suddenly feel like time is slowing down… haha… I’m so anxious for him to be here now! I remember always looking at pregnant women who were so close to their due date and thinking “Man.. I bet they are super nervous!! I would be!” And I am…. but it’s overshadowed by me wanting to be done being pregnant and just ready for him to be here! It feels like it’s been forever! And I’m pretty positive the “nesting” stage has passed…. I now just want to be lazy and snack and sleep….
I guess that’s what I get for being super prepared super early. Work has slowed down somewhat, so I spend my days just thinking of things I can do, caught up on TV shows, and have become a fan of popcorn… :-\ Bubba doesn’t like for me to drive much anymore, because he’s paranoid of the air bags. So really, the countdown is on. And I’m so ready. I will tackle my fears when they come. The doctor said that it’s unlikely for me to go early, but that they obviously wouldn’t stop it at this point. All is well, measuring right on track. We go back Wednesday at 38 weeks and they will check me to see if there is any progress.

I mean…. I’m going to have a SON in a few weeks…. that’s crazy. I just can’t wait to see what he is going to look like! And I’m praying he has a calm personality!! haha

How far along: 37 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: 52

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…Still shuffling through the same handful of clothes

Stretch marks: No new ones!

Sleep: Awake every 2 hours, every single night. No sleep. I guess it’s preparing me for feedings. I’ve become a frequent Facebook stalker around 3-4AM.

Best moment of this week: Hearing his heartbeat Wednesday and knowing it’s getting closer!

Miss anything: Everything. I was looking through all my weekly photos and cannot believe how much I have changed since my first one! haha…

Cankles: Nothing has changed in this department. Only a few more weeks I hope!

Movement: Yeah he’s trying to get comfortable in there. Camped out pretty low and some days are more active than others.

Food cravings: This week I have eaten a lot of popcorn.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope…

Have you started to show yet: Yeah I’m pretty preggo.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: Definitely pokes through my clothes but the belly button itself is still in thank God.

Wedding rings on or off: Off… oh well.

Happy or moody most of the time: Haven’t really been one or the other this week. I’m just getting anxious.

Looking forward to: Umm… having this baby!!

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