Down to two weeks – 3 at the absolute most! Went to the doctor Wednesday and I am only 1cm dilated but my cervix is already softened so that was a good sign! She said not to expect the baby this weekend, haha, so I assume he’s going to wait as long as he can. If he only knew how much I don’t want to have a Halloween baby, he would come early because he loves his Mom! 😀 haha  Minor details that don’t matter… that’s what I worry about. They won’t let me go past 41 weeks, which would be Nov. 2, so we shall see!

I got a glimpse of how Bubba will react come “go time” this week…. I was having a lot of cramping and tightening and waited a little while before I even mentioned it to him, and when I finally did he kind of freaked… I guess because he knows it could actually happen at any time now so it was the first time he was really worried… I assured him I did not need to call the doctor and that I was not going into labor, and that he needed to chill. It didn’t help that he had just talked to a woman earlier that same day that said she never had painful contractions, only mild cramping and never thought anything of it, worked all day, etc. and when she decided to go to the doctor that evening she was 8CM DILATED! haha, so that was what was freaking him out. But all is good, I will strategically plan how to tell him when the time comes. 😀 I went to the fair this week, not because I wanted to explore the fair, because in all honesty I don’t get much out of it…. I don’t like fair food, only the fair desserts…. but because Blues Traveler had a free concert Tuesday night and Boyz II Men had one Wednesday night… so I couldn’t pass either of them up, I was going. And Michelle and I had to keep our fair concert tradition alive, 3 years going! (I had to include the photo she took of me because it’s hilarious… I bet people thought I was crazy for being there) It was loud, and Cooper was dancing (I hope anyways) to the music all night haha… Boyz II Men concert was a little different atmosphere than Blues Traveler was, and I got a little nervous being in such a big crowd of people, and I had to stand the whole time because it was PACKED…. but it was awesome seeing them! One of my favorites from the 90’s! I definitely am paying for it though, because I tweaked (I don’t know if that’s the right word) my sciatic nerve and it is excruciating! Stretching it only makes it worse and I can’t hardly stand the pain. My feet are constantly in pain, no matter what… I’m so ready to just feel like myself again and not be in constant pain. That is what sucks the most. But it will all be worth it! So the doctor was going over all the signs to look for and poor Bubba was just sitting there with his eyes wide-open and scared haha, and then the doctor said she wouldn’t let me go past 41 weeks so no matter what we would have a baby in 3 weeks from today (Wednesday)…..and we both just looked at each other with so much nervousness and just laughed. I guess we obviously knew that, but when she said it it just kind of put everything into perspective. My mom had knee surgery Tuesday, so, as soon as she starts getting around in the next week or so I’ll be good to go! 🙂

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How far along: 38 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: 54

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…Still shuffling through the same handful of clothes

Stretch marks: No new ones!

Sleep: Nope… I can take good naps though…

Best moment of this week: Knowing that although very small, I have started the process of having this baby! And also getting to see Blues Traveler and Boyz II Men 😀

Miss anything: Not being in constant pain…. for sure!

Cankles: Yeah they don’t really go down anymore… and the doctor even noticed my face had started swelling…. 😛

Movement: Yeah I don’t think he has much room left…. some days more active than others.

Food cravings: Still love me some ice… and I enjoyed the sweets at the fair.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope…

Have you started to show yet: Yeah I’m pretty preggo.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: Definitely pokes through my clothes but the belly button itself is still in thank God.

Wedding rings on or off: Off… oh well.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody and emotional…. I want Bubba to be home all the time, and I’m not handling this pain very well anymore.

Looking forward to: Umm… having this baby!!

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