Had our 39 week checkup this week – no progression. Yay. Doctor seems to think that I should prepare to be induced at 41 weeks, but obviously doesn’t know for sure. So the only thing we do know is that in less than 2 weeks we will have our little baby here! I’m content with him staying in there, I know it’s good for him. I just wish all my pain would go away and I wasn’t miserable. That’s all. The end is in sight though! And it will all be worth it! I’m so glad that I was an overachiever and got everything ready long before now, because there’s no way I could muster up the energy or be physically able to do it now.

Hospital bag is packed… it has been… the diaper bag is packed and in the car already along with the car seat. Bubba has already put in his paternity leave days, which of course could change, but at least he has an idea. So every day it’s just, “How are you feeling?” “Oh I’m fine…” ;-D  So besides the fact that I don’t get any sleep, poor Bubba has now fallen into that category as well… if it’s not his anxiety keeping him up all night, it’s me snoring…. :-/  I am so congested, and have been for like 2 months… it’s insane. I can hardly breath on top of not being able to breath anyways… so I have apparently picked up the habit of snoring, and I know I have because I will wake myself up too. I feel bad for him, but I gave him ear plugs so if he doesn’t use them that’s his own fault, haha. I guess we will both be prepared when the baby comes of getting no sleep. So… the countdown is on! 5 days until my due date, 12 days until I am definitely induced. 😀

How far along: 39 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: 55

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah…Still shuffling through the same handful of clothes

Stretch marks: No new ones!

Sleep: Nope… snoring, rolling over, getting out of bed… that’s my night…

Best moment of this week: ………That it’s one week closer to meeting Cooper!

Miss anything: Not being in constant pain…. for sure!

Cankles: Rather entire body…. to the max.

Movement: He loves to poke me on my left side… not the right, just the left…. it’s like an arm is poking me low while his butt and feet are high…. I think he’s lopsided.

Food cravings: Drinks…. water, gatorade, milk, sweet tea….. I can’t get enough liquid.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope… but the heartburn has kicked in a little more.

Have you started to show yet: Yeah I’m getting the “Ohhhh, you look like you’re ready to pop!” comments……

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: Can definitely see through my clothes now.

Wedding rings on or off: Off… oh well.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody and emotional…. I feel fine, but I’m in pain. So it sucks. And it gets the best of me some days.

Looking forward to: Umm… having this baby!! Come on Cooper!

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