Guess what day it is?! Hump DAY! And also our due date 😀 And still no Cooper. But I totally understand that’s normal and over 50% of first time babies are due after their due date. So I’m being patient! Just so ready. We had our 40 week appointment this morning. Our LAST doctor’s appointment! Crazy. Was all good news – I have progressed a noticeable amount since last week in terms of my cervix thinning and dilation, so the midwife was excited about that! We went ahead and scheduled an induction for next Wednesday as a “back up plan”, because she honestly felt like I would go on my own before then. I’m not sure about that, I feel like she’s just overly positive. But what do I know! So, as of now, we will go to hospital about midnight next Tuesday, and start on some meds and then Wednesday morning get the ball rolling. 😐 Yeah, I knew that was going to happen, and we were scheduling that today, but when she finished telling us all about it, I felt so flushed…. like, wow, this is really happening! haha Just so surreal, all of it… Hoping I can keep Bubba calm through all of this (shouldn’t it be the other way around??)… He’s claiming he can’t “go through this again”…. (insert rolling eyes emoji) haha… poor thing – he’ll be fine. So, who knows, by this time next week we could have little Cooper with us! But definitely by next Thursday! 🙂 Can’t wait to see him and hold him and just know that he’s OK! I know he’s safe where he’s at, but it’s so close to him being here that I get more and more paranoid every day that something is going to happen. But I have to leave all my worries and fears in God’s hands and know he has control over everything! I surely do not. So this could possibly be my last pregnancy post (sigh). If I make it until next Tuesday, I will try to post one last time! But then of course will cue the overwhelming baby posts of course 🙂

Just some photos from the last week! 🙂




How far along: 40 weeks 0 days

Total weight gain: 56

Maternity clothes: Haha….

Stretch marks: No new ones!

Sleep: Nope… snoring, rolling over, getting out of bed, moving to the living room… that’s my night…

Best moment of this week: I guess reaching my due date… I’ve been thinking of this day for so long, so even though Cooper isn’t here, it just means he’s about to be.

Miss anything: Not being in constant pain…. for sure!

Cankles: Rather entire body…. to the max.

Movement: Oh yeah… he’s definitely cramped and ready to come out.

Food cravings: Drinks still…. water, gatorade, milk, sweet tea….. I can’t get enough liquid. And I had a surge for sweets this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope… but the heartburn has kicked in a little more.

Have you started to show yet: haha.

Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!

Labor signs: I really haven’t had any labor signs what-s0-ever. Tightening every now and then, and some mild cramping every so often. But that’s it. It’s like nothing is happening.

Belly button in or out: Can definitely see through my clothes now.

Wedding rings on or off: Off… oh well.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody and emotional… just ready for this to be over with!

Looking forward to: Umm… having this baby!! Come on Cooper!

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