Week 7! Time is going by SOOO SLOOOOOWWW….. I just want to get to our doctor’s appointment! One more week! I’m actually feeling a lot better this week, so that’s exciting! Tried to tackle the “Peaches to Beaches” Friday (Longest yard sale in Georgia), and only lasted 2 hours before I had to go home… I was SO exhausted!! I literally have no energy!

How far along: 7 weeks!

Total weight gain: Probably about 2-3 pounds (I’m so bloated!)

Maternity clothes: Well, I definitely bought some….. :-/ Because my stomach is just poking out, and it looks like a fat roll….

Stretch marks: Applying Palmer’s nightly to prevent them….

Sleep: I’m getting up about 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom and can’t get comfortable…. Got a sleeping bra which has helped with discomfort at night!

Best moment of this week: Writing this blog… nothing exciting is happening right now so my weekly photo/blog helps!

Miss anything: being skinny…. and being able to eat whatever I want.

Movement: Not yet! It’s still growing in there!

Food cravings: Not sure it’s a craving, but pickles are really good… and so I bought a whole jar… haha

Anything making you queasy or sick: Being in a car, hearing gross things, and not eating!

Have you started to show yet: That’s debatable… :-/ I don’t look pregnant, just fat…. really bloated!

Gender: Don’t know yet!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy, sometimes moody – Bubba may disagree.

Looking forward to: Our appointment next week!! COME ON ALREADY!

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