I am now into week 8! Woohoo! We had our first doctor’s appointment yesterday (March 15, 2016) and got to hear the little heartbeat for the first time and see the little booger! It sounded like a herd of horses at a strong 164BPM. It didn’t look like much, except for a blob, but seeing that beating heart was all I needed! So in love already and can’t wait until we get to see it again!!!


How far along: 8 weeks!

Total weight gain: Probably about 2-3 pounds (I’m so bloated!)

Maternity clothes: Not wearing any, except just baggy shirts because it’s still a secret!!

Stretch marks: Applying Palmer’s nightly to prevent them…. but at the rate my boobs are growing I’m thinking it might be inevitable.

Sleep: I’m getting up about 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom and can’t get comfortable…. I imagine this will get worse…

Best moment of this week: Seeing and hearing the baby for the first time!!! Most surreal experience ever. Can’t compare it. And will definitely never forget that.

Miss anything: Not having food aversions…. I’m so hungry all the time but never know what I want!

Movement: Not yet! It’s still growing in there!

Food cravings: Not so much cravings, just if something actually sounds good I jump on it.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Being in a car, hearing gross things….

Have you started to show yet: That’s debatable… :-/ I don’t look pregnant, just fat…. really bloated!

Gender: Don’t know yet!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy, sometimes moody – Bubba may disagree.

Looking forward to: Telling our families!!!! It’s killing me! But I wanted to get through the first appointment just to make sure the little booger was actually in there…. and it is! 🙂

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