9 weeks!!! Time is going by so fast and slow all at the same time. I thought this week would never come because we are telling our family and friends this week! Why am I so nervous?!!? This is so exciting! I am still feeling great. Most all “pregnancy symptoms” have subsided, except every now and then. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach can handle. And I still can’t imagine what I want to eat anymore. It’s like my taste buds memory has been deleted. But at least I can eat!

🙂 Happy Easter!!

How far along: 9 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain: Probably about 3-4 pounds (I’m so bloated!)

Maternity clothes: Not wearing any, except just baggy shirts because it’s still a secret!!

Stretch marks: Applying Palmer’s to prevent them…. here’s hoping.

Sleep: I’m not getting up as much as I was. Probably just once a night now.

Best moment of this week: Telling Bubba’s parents – so emotional! Now I can’t wait to tell mine TOMORROW!

Miss anything: Not having food aversions…. I’m so hungry all the time but never know what I want! And feeling skinny…

Movement: Not yet! It’s still growing in there!

Food cravings: Not so much cravings, just if something actually sounds good I jump on it. This week Zaxby’s tater chips, bagel bites, and wendy’s sounded good. Wings sounded good…..but they were a bad mistake.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Haven’t felt queasy any… other than wings making me sick.

Have you started to show yet: That’s debatable… :-/ I don’t look pregnant, just fat…. really bloated!

Gender: Don’t know yet!

Labor signs: TBD

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Haven’t been too moody this week

Looking forward to: Telling my family!!! We told Bubba’s parents this week and now I’m patiently waiting until we are with my whole family tomorrow for Easter to reveal the news!

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